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The Stories

The Stories

Sherry Chidwick
Jul 9, 20246 min read
Courage is not the opposite of fear
“Ok. Wait. Auntie Sherry.” My nine-year-old niece interrupted my story with one outstretched hand to serve as a stop sign. With her other...

Sherry Chidwick
Jul 9, 20248 min read
The Rules (driving in southeast Asia)
I don't make the rules, but I do try to live by them. 1. Move in a predictable, purposeful manner. 2. Yield to momentum. 3. Don't hit...

Sherry Chidwick
Jul 9, 20247 min read
Because things can change in an instant
Only one thing was certain. I needed to stop the bleeding. Then I could assess the damage. Direct pressure. But how much pressure, and...

Sherry Chidwick
Jul 9, 20247 min read
Falling coconuts, prickly heat, and a run for the border
I’m an imposter at a fancy hotel on the island of Borneo. Now there’s a sentence I never dreamed I’d ever write, at least not in a...

Sherry Chidwick
Jun 27, 202313 min read
Honest reviews of four hotels and lodges plus ten restaurants we went to in Zambia
“Zambia. Now where exactly is that?” This was the initial response we got from many people when we told them of our plans to take a two...

Sherry Chidwick
Apr 9, 20235 min read
Easter Awakening, 2019
NOTE: This is a story I wrote at Paul's Pancake Parlor in Missoula, Montana, on Easter Sunday in 2019, when Andy's father was still...
Sherry Chidwick
Apr 6, 20235 min read
A Tale of Three Brothers
Two of Nina’s uncles taught her that the key to happiness is selflessness. Her father, their other brother, taught her just the opposite....

Sherry Chidwick
Mar 14, 20234 min read
What We Gonna Do Today, Brain?
Building an overland expedition vehicle in hopes of becoming full time nomads is not easy, especially if one partner lags behind.

Sherry Chidwick
Oct 19, 20226 min read
Getting Unstuck and Leaving (the) Norm Behind
The norm for many is settling for the mediocre, rather than pursuing big dreams, like ours of overland travel.
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